Monday, 31 October 2016

Dojo - Something Old, Something New.

Alright, so I have some dojo I would like to talk about, and it encompasses a few warcasters I've been looking at. I'm super happy with Coven, and I'd like to keep tweaking away at their list until I'm super happy with it. I'd also like to have a look at some lists for Venethrax, who I managed to grab at the Scottish Masters raffle.

So, first up the Coven. Here's the list I've been playing (read: proxying / playing on Vassal) for a while:

The Witch Coven of Garlghast +26
-The Withershadow Combine 9
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Deathripper 6
-Deathripper 6
10 Satyxis Raiders w/UA 19
10 Satyxis Raiders w/UA 19
Aikos 4
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
Ragman 4
Machine Wraith 2

I really like this list, it's 20pts different to the list I took to the Scottish Masters (due to lack of Stalkers >:) where I played Soulhunters instead. The issues I have with this list (and my SM one) is the lack of hitting power, enter Poland. Konrad Sosnowski played a very interesting Coven list at the WTC this year:

Witch Coven [Fuel Cache]

Alright, so what have we here. To start with, it has Fuel Cache which is an objective I found of limited use with the Coven, because by and large if a model can ignore Stealth then it can also see through a cloud. Otherwise he has Barathrum (a generally considered strong model) and 2 Seethers (generally considered rubbish because 12/17) as his Battlegroup. Now, it was often said in mk2 that if you wanted to play Seethers you should play them with the Coven or with Goreshade1 because they are the only casters in Cryx that can deliver them, and I imagine this is still true. Also, Counter Charge seems incredibly valuable considering the Coven's suite of abilities (particularly their Feat & Veil of Mists) so I don't hate it. Otherwise we have Cankerworm, who is fine, Soulhunters who are also fine and then Blackbane's which are a little controversial in that they're either really good or really bad, such is Incorporeal. Now, I think that the Soulhunters & Blackbane's could easily be Satyxis if need be, I imagine which unit is better out of these 3 options (and I think Rev Crew also deserve consideration for this position) will probably differ depending on matchup. It is my opinion that Blackbane's are too much of a liability because of what they do in games against Caine2, and I'd be very interested to hear Konrad's take on this but at present all I can do is speculate. I also think having heavies is something of a liability against Haley2 because Domination & Telekinesis are stupid, and Thorn's bond allows him to get around the Coven Feat & Counter Charge Conundrum. Still, a cool list that I'm going to test and perhaps try and incorporate elements of.

Now for something new: Venethrax. This is a caster I hated on principle for what he did to my poor Mortenebra, but since I got his model I've been putting some thought into him. He has Eruption of Ash, which is a rule Fraser Mc taught me to really respect on pThagrosh, and he has a pretty phenomenal spell list in Terminal Velocity, Mortality, Lamentation & Deadweight AND he has Field Marshal: Counter Charge. His feat is a little mopey, but hey, we can't have it all. In fact, I think Mortality, Deadweight and Blood Rain perhaps makes him the best caster for Spell Slave models in Cryx as those are three phenomenally strong spells. So, I spent some time trying to build a Venethrax list that abused cloud walls using Gunslingers because well, Counter Charge & cloud walls seem legit, but I couldn't find a way that really gelled. So instead I have a pair of lists that I think are pretty strong.

Lich Lord Venethrax +26
-The Withershadow Combine 9
-Deathjack 23
-Desecrator 14
-Desecrator 14
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
Darragh Wrathe 9
Bane Lord Tartarus 8
Warwitch Siren 4
Warwitch Siren 4

This one is fairly simple. It has a strong control game with Deadweight being able to be cast multiple times a turn (and Seduction scores bonus points for setting it up) on top of decent infantry clearing from multiple castings of Blood Rain and Scathers from Desecrators combined with Eruption of Ash mean there's serious potential to wall off infantry. Sweet list, looking forward to trying it. The other one is a fair bit sillier.

Lich Lord Venethrax +26
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Deathripper 6
Warwitch Siren 4
Machine Wraith 2
Wrongeye and Snapjaw 17

Yep. Stealth is obnoxious with Counter Charge and this list still has the setup for Deadweight. Idea is to slaughter everything that's not a heavy with Stalkers whilst controlling the damage heavies can cause with Deadweight and the Feat. Sillier, but I'm not convinced it's terrible. 

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