So, what zombies will I be playing? Well, I think the obvious selection is Coven. They didn't get hit very hard in the transition from Mk2 > Mk3, losing some focus efficiency from Perfect Conjunction, and Stygian Abyss getting arguably buffed is also kind of nice. Also, they bring shooting / long threat range answers in a meta revolving around that.
The Witch Coven of Garlghast +26
-The Withershadow Combine 9
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Deathripper 6
-Deathripper 6
10 Satyxis Raiders w/UA 19
10 Satyxis Raiders w/UA 19
Aikos 4
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
Ragman 4
Machine Wraith 2
This is the list I've been playing the most with Cryx in mk3. I feel like it's strong, if frontloaded and incredibly fragile. This list relies on threat range, freedom of movement and jamming to stay alive. It has a lot of scenario and assassination pressure and is simply monstrous on a lot of scenarios if it gets the first turn. I feel like its gameplan is applicable to most things in the meta, and with so many stalkers its got good game against the metabenders with LoS denial. So that's sweet.
My second caster is currently Deneghra1. She barely got hit (somehow) going from Mk2 to Mk3, and I think remains one of the strongest casters in the game. What I'm playing with her is in flux.... So have a sweet smorgasboard of Deneghra1 lists.
Warwitch Deneghra +28
-Nightmare 18
-Deathripper 6
-Deathripper 6
10 Bane Knights 17
10 Bane Knights 17
10 Bane Knights 17
Darragh Wrathe 9
Bane Lord Tartarus 8
Gorman di Wulfe 4
Soul Trapper 1
Warwitch Deneghra +28
-Nightmare 18
-Deathripper 6
-Deathripper 6
Iron Lich Overseer 5
-Seether 13
Aikos 4
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
Necrotech 2
Soul Trapper 1
Wrongeye and Snapjaw 17
Rorsch and Brine 15
Warwitch Deneghra +28
-Kraken 36
-Nightwretch 7
10 Nyss Hunters 19
Aikos 4
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
Ragman 4
Necrotech 2
Rorsch and Brine 15
I think these lists all have merit. Presently for the Coven I'm the most afraid of Mad Dogs & Circle including things like Wurmwood or Baldur2 and I think all of my lists are at least half decent in those games, with the best one (against what I'm worried about) probably being the Banestorm. That said, they all look solid and I'll put some time in with a bunch of different Deneghra lists.
I've got some games due on Friday, and it's vs Cygnar so I'll put up some Coven reports.
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