Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Dojo - Agathia

So I played a game with this weird Warcaster, and I was honest to god rather impressed. Her toolkit isn't especially deep, but she certainly has some moves. I'll show the list and explain my choices.

Bane Witch Agathia +29
-The Withershadow Combine 9
-Desecrator 14
-Desecrator 14
-Desecrator 14
-Deathripper 6
10 Satyxis Raiders w/CA 19
10 Satyxis Raiders w/CA 19
Bane Lord Tartarus 8
Soul Trapper 1

Alright, sort of a weird list. What've we got here? Well, the central idea was that we'd take a core Cryx shell (22 Raiders & Arm shenanigans) and put something unique that only Agathia could do. Alright, well, she doesn't have a particularly unique toolkit, so what could that possibly be? Her feat is done better in 99% of situations by the Coven, so we look to her jack support options. I think the most interesting of these by far is her ability to give the Desecrator a free point of focus just by standing around. With that she actually kind of gets to live the Cryx dream of fuelling a warjack and also casting Parasite. Speaking of which, she casts that at effective FOC9 with BLT's help, which is kind of cute. Don't get me wrong, most of the time you don't need any help hitting models you want to cast Parasite at, but it's nice. 

I unfortunately don't have a particularly large amount to talk about because well, she's pretty basic and I'm only a game deep. I'd love to get a WWS in this list but I don't have a clue what I'd drop, it would probably be Tartarus for Ragman & a WWS, but ideally I'd have BLT & a WWS for maximum focus efficiency. I'm also tempted to try her out with the Revcrew module instead of Satyxis. With her feat they should hopefully be able to all get there in one piece, and it would let me fit in a WWS if I took out the Trapper (-2 Raider Units, - Trapper, +3*6 Revcrew + Rengrave + WWS).

I'll keep testing her and get some more reports in. Colour me impressed for now. 


  1. oh snap. Local Legion player was dojoing a list exactly like this with me and another Cryx player, comparing it to a Vayl1 list he runs with triple Ravagores that is able to pummel at range, and using the feat to slip away when engaged.

    Be interested to see if it has any legs

  2. I play her almost exclusively as my primary caster in any pair I ve got so far.
    My list:
    Raiders + UA
    Blood Witches + UA
    Bane Warriors (min)
    Soul Trapper
    So far I can play double zone scenarios really well with this list. It can handle armor effectively.
    It can stop my opponent advance really early due to double Stalkers and DJ ad.
    It is very accurate because of charging rules and ghostly.
    Hellwrought is an amazing spell on DJ (stockpile triggers mini vengeance and snacking can be triggered from friendly models).
    She is amazing at dominating flags because of vanish. She can actually kill everything at 4" around a flag and teleport back to contest.
    Bane Warriors keeping their melee range even if they are not in formation transforms them into 11" arm debuff bullets.
    Hellfire + DJ + Placement from feat can surprise kill a critical solo and teleport back to safety.
    Parasite + Stalker can kill an objective reliably during 2nd turn for scenario dominance and still leave a 15/13 light jack in a place that you opponent has to take care of.
    Terrain is always to your advantage due to ghostly and ad warjacks.
    She is pretty much a buff bot. She can stay back relatively safe letting her list play the game for her.
    She takes time to get used to but she is really solid.

  3. I wrote Agathia off at first, but after giving her a go I was throughly impressed by what she could do. One thing I've found that I really want is an Inflictor. It really helps her survivability in specific matchups, most notably Ossyan. Being able to tank the Hypnos shot and not get shadow bound massively increases her odds of not getting shot to death. The same goes vs Reckoner & Gun Mage flares. Not to mention who doesn't love ARM 21 Cryx heavies?
