Alright, so as people who pay attention to this kind of thing (which I'd assume most of my blog readers are...?) you're probably well aware that the Unapocalypse is upon us. So, lets have a chat about what we're going to do about it, eh?
Here's the problems Una presents us as a Cryx player.
-Her entire list is mostly Stealthed. Between Griffons & Sentry Stones, Stealth is everywhere.
-Her list is really fast. Griffons are SPD7, Sentries AD, her Feat is +2SPD for all the Griffons.
-She has excellent personal survivability, due to her 28" Control Range, and Wind Wall.
-Her stuff hits HARD. For the cost there's basically nothing durable enough for Griffons.
-Her feat. Dear god that feat. It's Saeryn's feat all over again except with mental Control Ranges and such. It means that if your caster is within 12.5-14.5(Mirage) of a Griffon they're donezo. This is especially a problem in situations where she gets first and it's Killbox.
So, my initial thought was Deneghra pirates. There is a problem with that list though, Ghost Walk is no longer Friendly, now it's Faction. Means that Una running to engage the world with Griffons is actually pretty horrendous for us as now all our pirates are going to get free struck. So, I decided to go for things that make non melee attacks that don't care so much about being in melee. I think it's alright.
pDeneghra +28
-The Withershadow Combine 9
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Deathripper 6
-Deathripper 6
10 Nyss Hunters 19
Cephalyx Overlords 8
Cephalyx Overlords 8
The Devil's Shadow Mutineers 8
Satyxis Gunslingers 7
Satyxis Gunslingers 7
Orin Midwinter 5
Ragman 4
Testing to follow.
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