Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Meta Discussion - Plus Three Minus Three

AKA: 3 Things I'd nerf and 3 things I'd buff from every faction. Simple enough, but I was talking about this today and decided to actually make up a list:

Buff: Nemo2, Gun Mage Officer, Triumph.
Nerf: Thorn, Haley2, Haley3 (Honourable mention to Storm Lances and Caine2, stupid Cygnar)

Buff: Butcher2, M-O-W Bombardiers, Kossite Woodsmen
Nerf: Karchev, Winter Guard Rocketeers, Juggernaut

Protectorate of Menoth:
Buff: Deliverers, Knight Exemplar Errant Officer, Bastions. (Shoutout to Cinerators too)
Nerf: High Reclaimer, Dervish,

Buff: Deneghra2, Asphyxious2, Mortenebra.
Nerf: pDenny, Stalker, Machine Wraith

Buff: Destors, Ellowyer Swordsmen, Garryth
Nerf: Issyria, Ossyan, Discordia

Buff: Ogrun Assault Corps, Highshields, Ashlynn
Nerf: Kingmaker, Grundback Gunner, Ragman

Buff: Perforators, Aurora, Monitor
Nerf: Assimilator, Maybe the TEP. I wouldn't nerf much in Convergence.

Buff: Sluggers, Champions, Madrak1.
Nerf: Madrak2, Fire Eaters, Fire Eaters again.

Buff: Mohsar, Tharn Ravager, Satyrs.
Nerf: Wurmwood, Sentry Stones, Scarsfell Griffons.

Buff: Kryssa, Scythean, Legionnaires.
Nerf: Hellmouth, Deathstalkers, Vayl2.

Buff: Skorne
Nerf: Makeda2, Rasheth, Reivers

Buff: Gatorman Possé, Farrow Commandos, Brun & Lug. (Honourable mention to Sturm and Drang)
Nerf: Lesser Warlocks (Except Brun), Lanyssa Ryssyl, Rask

All my opinion of course, but this'd be cool.


  1. Nerfing things are an amazing way to loose players and customers so should be kept to an absolute minimum.

    If PP is smart (which I'm beginning to seriously question with the mess that is MK3), the only things that they will nerf come January will be Karchev / Mad Dog spam which is the only thing that truly breaks the game (and fix throws somehow) and they will devote the rest of the errata to buffing the less used options to improve each factions internal balance.

  2. Interesting to see how things have played out. Many of the nerfs have happened.
