Thursday, 10 November 2016

Dojo - Goreshade the Attritionator

So I have a SR coming up this weekend and I have a list I'm pretty excited to try out. I'll get right to it, here's the list:

Goreshade2 +28
-Stalker 8
-Stalker 8
-Deathripper 6
-Deathripper 6
10 Satyxis Raiders w/UA 19
10 Satyxis Raiders w/UA 19
10 Bane Warriors 17
6 Mechanithralls 6
Necrosurgeon and Stitch Thralls 4
Necrosurgeon and Stitch Thralls 4
Scrap Thralls 2
Scrap Thralls 2
Scrap Thralls 2

So it's a pretty simple idea. It's a tonne of models that come back. I'd be interested to see how many Mk3 lists can really put down probably 70+ models over the course of a game. I feel like a lot of builds are just eeking out the bare minimum of infantry clearance, things like double Sentry Stones or one unit of Rifle Corps and then all heavy killing, or 3 Stormlances then warjacks. This list aims to punish that behaviour. Obviously it has some weaknesses. Shatter Storm is pretty scary. We don't have a great solution to the low MAT on the Mechanithralls and the Bane Warriors, pretty much exclusively relying on Abyssal Gate there. I'd like to get Gorman in to help with that issue but I have no clue where I'd find the points for him. I also feel like it would dilute from the brute force that is this list.

Looking forward to trying it out on Saturday.


  1. drop some scrap thralls & get Gorman?
    if a scrappy gets thrown or slammed ect. into a unit it's really going to hurt

  2. You could try dropping the scrap thralls for gorman and a necrotech, Then use the necrotech to make scrap thralls from your and your opponents dead jacks.

  3. Guys, the Scraps are for standing about 20" behind Goreshade, ready to run into his control area to turn into bigger, badder Cryx models. You pay 6pts for 9 feat targets, they're incredibly high value models with Gore2. I'd sooner drop Satyxis or Banes than those guys. :D

  4. Hi Billy.

    I like your list. I have played Shade2 a lot in MK2 - in and out of theme. I brought a Shade2 list to the WTC the first year in Belgium.
    I have only been playing him once in MK3 against Vindictus which was an attrition grind fest I ended up winning.

    Anyways - thoughts on your list:
    I really like the idea of being able to feat back a ton of models. You have the 9 scraps, 6 stiches, 6 mcthralls and 2 surgeons if need be. I´m thinking it maybe is too much?

    My thoughts on Shade2 is that Death Jack is probably worth it
    along with a ripper, because he can cast Abyssal Gate or Hex Blast. The Stalkers are very good though, so I am not sure.

    Shade2´s feat gives you back warrior models with full health. Therefore Cavalry and Overlords seems as strong feat targets. In my list I have a unit of Soul Hunters (16" charge with apparition or stealth), one unit of Overlords (I really love this unit - they are very strong). I dig the raiders - would probably go with two of these units instead of one and instead of the bane warriors. But maybe you need the punch (they have been in my list as well).

    I like machine wraiths in combination with abyssal gate. I like Croes with abyssal gate and curse of shadows.

    Would Saxon be nice in the list, when you don´t have ghost walk and really want to have force barrier?


  5. A list that incorporates some of the things I rambled about:

    9 Scraps
    Soul Trapper
    2 Machine Wraiths
    Max Soul Hunters
    Max Raiders+CA
    2x Overlords
    6 Bane Warriors

  6. Been a few weeks - any feedback on performance of this style list?

    I played Shade2 tier in Mk2 and am hopeful that I can find a viable attrition/recursion style list that works for him in Mk3. I haven't put a list on the table yet (play time down post-baby) but my instinct says Raiders + double cav to jam as quickly as possible, then shore up losses with feat (experience from mk2 is that bringing back full-health cav models is great for attrition). I'm not convinced that surgeon + mcthralls earn their points back anymore though I definitely see them playing into this theme. I would replace them with scenario control and/or damage buffing elements.
